North Muskegon, Michigan

High Quality Coops & Runs since 2013

Welcome to Gotland Chicken Coops, your premier destination for high-quality chicken coops and runs in Michigan. Our coops are designed with the comfort and safety of your chickens in mind, and are built to last using only the finest materials. Whether you're an experienced chicken wrangler or just starting out, we have the perfect coop to meet your needs. Browse our selection today and discover the difference that quality makes.

Find us on Facebook at Gotland Chicken Coops or call/text Dan @231-750-2332


4-15+ hen coop & 7x8 run, fully wrapped in ½” hardware cloth w/metal roof on run
(25 sq/ft inside coop and 77.5 sq/ft of run space)
Comes with chicken ladder, 3 nesting boxes, 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent, and 1 roost (+$5 for additional roosts, up to 3 per coop). ¾” thick BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 2’ off ground. You can pick which side you want the nesting box mounted. Comes with metal roof over the run and run sides and roof fully wrapped in ½” hardware cloth for incredible strengh & protection.


4-15+ hen coop & 7x8+ run, fully wrapped in ½” hardware cloth
(25 sq/ft inside coop and 77.5 sq/ft of run space)
Comes with chicken ladder, 3 nesting boxes, 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent, and 1 roost (+$5 for additional roosts, up to 3 per coop). ¾” thick BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 2’ off ground. You can pick which side you want the nesting box mounted. Run's sides and roof are wrapped in ½” Hardware cloth for strong protection and longevity against the elements. Add metal roofing on the run for +$220 more.


4-15+ hen coop & 7x8 run system with bottom 2' in hardware cloth
(25 sq/ft inside coop and 77.5 sq/ft of run space)
Comes with chicken ladder, 3 nesting boxes, 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent, and 1 roost (+$5 for additional roosts, up to 3 per coop). ¾” thick BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 2’ off ground. You can pick which side you want the nesting box mounted. Run's bottom 2' is wrapped in 1/2" hardware cloth and top 4' wrapped in 1” hex poultry wire without corner seams to keep predators from prying open. Add a metal roof on the run for +$220


4-15+ hen coop & 7x8 run system
(25 sq/ft inside coop and 77.5 sq/ft of run space)
Comes with chicken ladder, 3 nesting boxes, 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent, and 1 roost (+$5 for additional roosts, up to 3 per coop). ¾” thick BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 2’ off ground. You can pick which side you want the nesting box mounted. Run is wrapped in 1” hex poultry wire without corner seams to keep predators from prying open. Upgrade wire or run roofing as desired.


4-8+ hen coop & 7x8 run system
(14.5 sq/ft inside coop and 66.75 sq/ft of run space)
Comes with chicken ladder, 3 nesting boxes, 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent, and 1 roost (+$5 for additional roosts, up to 3 per coop). ¾” thick BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 2’ off ground. You can pick which side you want the nesting box mounted. Run is wrapped in 1” hex poultry wire without corner seams to keep predators from prying open. Upgrade to partial or full wrap hardware cloth wire or a metal roofing on the run as desired (pricing noted below).


Duck house (large run not included)
(main box is 6’ wide, 44” deep)
Comes with wide duck ladder & 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent. ¾” thick BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 16” off ground so ducks can walk up ladder. Ducks will make their own large nest from the 3-4” of pine shavings you can put in there. Ducks use mostly when in their laying cycle, but otherwise like to be outside, no matter the weather. Add a 7x8 run, starting at $400


Rabbit hutch w/bunny nesting boxes
Three stalls and great for breeding with a buck in the middle and a doe on each side. Hardware cloth on doors and vents. The floors are made with 14guage ½”x1” wire (very soft on their feet and long lasting!). Full wood dividers and comes with a 5/8” wood bunny nesting boxes for each stall, vs buying thinner ones at TSC for $30 each ($90 savings!). Large back doors for additional access, air flow, and cleaning.




1-6 hen coop (14.5 sqft)

(main box is 3’ wide, 44” deep, nesting box is 36”x14”)
Comes with chicken ladder, 3 nesting boxes, 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent, and 1 roost (+$5 for additional roosts, up to 3 per coop). ¾” BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 2’ off ground. Pick which side you want the nesting box mounted for ideal placement. An extra 3’ roost is free, but needs to be requested.


4-15+ hen coop (25 sqft)
(main box is 6’ wide, 44” deep, nesting box is 36”x14”)
Comes with chicken ladder, 3 nesting boxes, 1 large seasonal side air-flow vent, and 1 roost (+$5 for additional roosts, up to 3 per coop). ¾” thick BCX plywood on all sides, 4x4 treated legs, and 2’ off ground. You can pick which side you want the nesting box mounted. Extra 6’ roosts available upon request.


8x7 run/cage with 6’ gable ridge
Built with treated 2x3 lumber, 1” hex galvanized poultry wiring using full wrap and no corner cut/seams, and additional treated wood and wire to go around bottom of the coop for extended and shaded run space options.


56 sqft itself, and then add another 21.5 sqft under the large coop for a total of 77.5 sqft of run space


Upgrade to ½” hardware cloth on the bottom 2' of the run for +$100

Upgrade to ½” hardware cloth on all sides and roof for +$200

Upgrade to metal roof over the run +$220


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4x8 run with 4’ high end
Built with treated 2x3 lumber, comes with 1” hex galvanized poultry wiring full wrap (no cuts or seams at corners) and additional treated wood and wire to go under the coop for run space if needed.


29 sqft itself, and then add another 10.75 sqft under smaller coop for a total of about 40 sqft of run space


Upgrade to hardware cloth for +$120


Coop to run extension box

Used to connect coops to taller runs built by others or from stores so the roof line of the coop and the run wall can seal tight for predator prevention. Top is angled for water shedding away from coop. (a coop-to-run “tarmac” or secure hallway connector)


Extra set of exterior nesting boxes
If you have over 12 hens, you can add another 3 easy-access nests to the other side of the coop, for a total of 6 nests when added to a coop listed above. Great for larger flocks. Adds 3.5sqft to the coop's nesting space. Or buy as a stand-alone item to add to the side of a current DIY coop/shed for your flocks.


Additional side vent or window
Can be added to another side wall for more airflow or light with meat birds, ducks, etc. Predator proofed with ½” hardware cloth screening or plexiglass (you pick)


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Metal roof upgrade over 7x8 run
Add a matching metal roof to the run for summer shade, a dryer coop in the rain and snow, and less shoveling during the winter. Comes with 6 galvanized panels, metal gable molding, purlin cross supports, and metal screws, & installed. Water sheds perfectly with the extra overhangs.


Delivery – based on time/miles
We calculate from our workshop to your address and bring everything in one trip. Simply point where you want it, and we will install and set it up.


I calculate round trip time, miles, and on-site set up where you want it for a very reasonable price.

On-site setup of coop/run systems
We will put the coop where you want it and apply the provided treated wood and wire wrapping under the coop for you, saving you all the work.


Part of Delivery service